Happy New Year Curriculum Thinkers! 🎉
Meeting the needs of all students is hard. They don’t bring the same experiences, prior knowledge and performance levels to your lessons. They all have different needs. So here are…
4️⃣ principles to consider when designing resources to help all your students do their best.
Atomisation ⚛️
Difficulty escalation 📈
Logically faultless communication 💬
Variation theory💡
Eh! What does that mean?
Good question! Here’s a taster…
Ok, so what does that look like in practice?
Catch up with Naveen Rizvi’s (National Lead of Maths) session and resources from before the holidays to find out👇
Not a maths teacher? Neither am I and these principles definitely improved my thinking in my subject.
On the subject of appreciating others’…
📺 "That won't work in my subject!": Things you need to know about managing subjects you don't teach.
When developing curriculum it can be easy to assume other subjects are just like yours. But they aren’t. The way they’re planned, communicated, delivered and assessed is different.
With that comes a risk senior leaders and faculty leaders, who lead a number of subjects, will ask subject leaders to do things that, at best, aren't helpful, and at worst, are damaging.
Learn how subjects behave differently across the school, or within your faculty, and what you can do about.
(Or use this session to help you explain to your line manager how their initiatives could be improved to meet the needs of your subject.)
📅 Tues 11th Jan.
🕕 6pm.
📊 Subject specific assessment models.
So far we’ve got subject specific assessment resources for:
🎨 Art, 📚 English, 🌍 Geography, 🇪🇸 MFL, 🏛️ History, 🎵 Music, 🎭 Drama, 🧬 Science.
If you’ve been working on assessment in:
🖥 Computer Science, ⚙️ D&T, 🏸 PE and ⚖️ PSHE/Citizenship, help out your fellow subject leaders.
Alec Waters (DHT, Ribston Hall High School), who’s new to the community, has wasted no time getting into the spirit of things.
He’s shared their whole school assessment policy and would love to hear you thoughts…
If you need a hand accessing any resources in this email, hit reply and we’ll get it sorted.
Sent with ❤️ from the Curriculum Thinkers Team at We Are In Beta.
Curriculum Thinkers quick links.
🔎 National Curriculum SLT Directory of Practice
💬 National Subject Leader Directories and Groups
🎥 Master classes recordings and Curriculum Thinking Week talks
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